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Este traducerea în limba engleză a opt piese de proză scurtă ale scriitorului Alexa Gavril Bâle. Opera scriitorului și poetului Alexa Gavril Bâle, contemporan al nostru, este deosebit de apreciată de critica literară românească. |
This book puts together Alexa Gavril Bâle’s best short stories. They demonstrate that their author is a powerful voice in the field. His writing penetrates the greatest depths of human mind and soul, expressing their tiniest nuances. Bâle creates a fictional world in which we can detect his Maramures roots and experience. We also have a glimpse of the human condition in a universe meant to be a source of happiness—yet offering sadness and despair instead. Read the masterpieces that follow and discover a new world, along with still unknown parts of your own soul! |