I have decided!

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Autor: Corina Todinca
ISBN 978-606-716-464-0

40,00 lei 40.0 RON 40,00 lei

40,00 lei

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    The author tells us:

    The difference between a weak person and a person who is motivated to win is ever so slight… You can always choose the easy way out… You can always choose to give up when it gets tough… And tell yourself: I am not the only one, we all struggle, I have to right to feel tired… I have the right to give up and rest… I can be fat or lazy because so many other people are the same…
    How lame and pathetic.
    Only the weak, only the ones to whom poverty whispers into their ears can abandon the fight… In this mediocre feebleness and mental weakness… Well! Rise and shine!
    Only you can make a difference… only you can choose if you want to be on the winner’s side and get down to business.
    You know how to make a choice and look over the fence… to see how others win the race… only you know if you are sitting at the top of the hill, exhausted and sweaty, worn out and panting heavily. Take a deep breath and look behind you. Do you see all the others that have surrendered on the way up? Oh, well…
    You have finished the race. You are here now and you are enjoying your Victory, feeling the adrenaline rushing through your blood. The same adrenaline that made you want to become this person: such a special and strong person. We all like strong people.
    So many people are afraid to live close to such people. This ultimate challenge, called LIFE is the choice between the easy way and the hard way… How many times have you told yourself: I’ll choose this way, it seems safer, easier… I don’t have to take on so many responsibilities, it is more convenient…
    How naive of you…
    Why do you think these little and trivial choices will turn you into a great person and will help you achieve all the goals you’ve set for yourself?
    Have you ever heard about the fact that whatever you invest in yourself comes back to you?
    Have you ever been tormented by empty feelings of discouragement?
    This means that this is the way you’ve chosen to live your life…
    Most likely, you do not enjoy this feeling, you’ve probably said to yourself: I deserve better than this, why is this happening to me?
    Maybe next time life offers you a challenge you will step up and rise to the challenge…
    Do you believe it is true that good things come to those who are worthy?
    Of course it is true… And so is the fact that if you make a low investment in yourself, you will receive simple and meager things.
    Where do you want to be in this journey???
    I do not want to call it LIFE, because LIFE is nothing more than a long and wonderful jour­ney…
    I was saying in my previous book that the choice we make during this journey can be like day or night…
    I still say the same thing, but now I have more experience and balance.
    Travel during the day and your open eyes will allow you to be fascinated by the journey. You will be transformed by it. It will pour into you both good and evil. It will make you choose; when you think this is easy, it will make you think again.
    This is the blessing of the journey which fills you with energy, which transforms and transfigures you, which turns you into someone special and makes you one with the universe… There is also the other option: you can take a journey with your eyes closed. In total dark­ness… and you fumble and fumble, hands stretched in front of you, trying to hold on to what life has in store for you… You are terribly afraid of the dark and what might be lurking within. You are paralyzed with fear, with what you might find. It is the uncertainty you feel every day. It is the fear of getting out and fight… it is the fear that something might happen with every step you take… it is the war you wage on yourself day in, day out. 
    Making a choice is so easy… Living is so easy.

    Buy this book and learn how to fulfill your own personality!