Yacht Cruise. A Three-Act Comedy

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Autor: Wilma (Cristina Popa Tache)

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    It is the truth: the one who makes you laugh saves your life without you knowing it.

    Go on, laugh! Laugh for as many times and as much as you can, and bear in mind that he who knows not how to cry, knows not how to laugh either.




    Life at sea is not an easy one. Everyone has their own world with particular games and rules, radically different from the life you know when you are grounded, physically speaking. Connection with nature and the universe is essential. It is then that you realize that beneath your feet, right there, in the water, another life system exists, where all kinds of life forms dwell, varied creatures and plants having different ranges of beauty and color. Superstition and belief, both become laws. Many sea travelers imagine themselves as sailors, and being a sailor is practically the same as being a hero. Does it sound far-fetched to you? Well, then let’s count and take a look at them together:


    1. Long trips on the water mean sky, water… water and sky again.

    2. A sailor knows what should be done in extreme situations.

    3. How do we deal with feeling homesick? Missing our loved ones?

    4. Under these circumstances, it is very clear that sailors have a superior inner force.

    5. On any ship, friendships to last a lifetime are born and maybe that’s why ordinary people like me and you feel magnetized when it comes to cruises.


    Do you want to go on with the list? Fine, but let’s see first what’s going on in “Yacht Cruise.”

    First of all, you must be warned that the action takes place in 2019 on Ojo Marron—a classical yacht with sails, stretched on huge masts, because what can provide a greater feeling of freedom than sailing with sails—the embodiment of freedom? Ojo Marron sets sails for a seven-days-voyage from Comeback Port, somewhere from Fortaleza (Brazil) to Havana (Cuba) with 12 passengers: two bored couples, an indecisive man, a boataholic tourist, two nervous widows, two young lovers traveling before getting married, that is supposed to be helping them decide whether they could spend their whole life together, another irritated and gluttonous passenger and a nagging pensioner.

    The passengers are nagged by the photographer that keeps surprising them in different states and are served by a crew of sailors whose number is unknown, lead by captain Glut and his helmsman, however, among these, whenever a cocktail or help is needed, Jack, the valet, and others suddenly become visible.

    Wishing you a lovely reading and for those with a vivid imagination, enjoy yourselves!


    The author